Underworld3 Introducing Underworld3: Mathematically Self-Describing Modelling in Python for Desktop, HPC and Cloud.
30 Years of Citcom, Ellipsis and Underworld CITCOM is a geodynamics modelling code based on the finite element method that is designed for planetary evolution modelling where large spatial variations and strong non-linearities occur in the material properties.
Scaling in Underworld To test scalability we run weak scaling tests on various HPC machines to check the numerical framework remains robust when pushing for higher fidelity models.
COVID-19 lockdown leads to seismic noise “quiet period” A new study by an international team of scientists found lockdown measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 led to a 50 per cent reduction in seismic noise around the world. The researchers, including Meghan Miller and Louis Moresi from ANU analysed datasets from over 300 seismic stations.
Australian Seismometers in Schools - Noise monitoring dashboard How we built a simple dashboard using Github actions with open source software and openly available (FAIR) data.
Australian cities are quiet during lockdown. Earthquake scientists are making the most of it Meghan S. Miller (ANU) Louis Moresi (ANU) Our responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have dramatically changed human activity all over the world. Sensitive instruments are detecting far less of the noise and vibration produced by humans in motion.
Underworld's lightweight cloud for online classrooms. We built a cheap-and-cheerful solution with persistent storage and a binder-like access to notebooks in a repository that is aimed at serving a single classroom. The zero-to-server time is just a few minutes and there is minimal manual configuration.