Underworld3 Introducing Underworld3: Mathematically Self-Describing Modelling in Python for Desktop, HPC and Cloud.
30 Years of Citcom, Ellipsis and Underworld CITCOM is a geodynamics modelling code based on the finite element method that is designed for planetary evolution modelling where large spatial variations and strong non-linearities occur in the material properties.
Configuring and Installing PETSc for Underworld https://doi.org/10.59350/t7ghx-8f823 The following is compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 under Windows 10/11 WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux). PETSc, the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation is the main dependency required for building Underworld. In the following, I will describe my current workflow for
Underworld 2.11 Scaling How does Underworld scale on a HPC? In this post we showcase how Underworld 2.11 scales across two of Australia's premiere HPC systems. * Gadi - https://nci.org.au/our-systems/hpc-systems * Magnus - https://pawsey.org.au/systems/magnus/ The reference model chosen for this scaling showcase is a
How to install Underworld on Mac OSX (Apple Silicon M1) The new generation of Apple Mac comes with the new Apple Silicon (M1) chip which has an Arm architecture (as opposed to the older generation that had i386 Intel processor). This brings all manner of troubles and requirements for the development of codes.
Scaling in Underworld To test scalability we run weak scaling tests on various HPC machines to check the numerical framework remains robust when pushing for higher fidelity models.
Here comes Conda... Sharing a workflow environment is also paramount if we want to make sure that reproducibility can be effectively tested. An environment management system such as conda allows us to do so.